Monday, November 18, 2013

Observation 5: new arrival

After many weeks of finding the same things eating the same things this observation was very different. While many things that had been noticed before were gone like diatoms and the ever popular rotifers this week all that could be found was the Cyclops (Pennak 1989).  This organism should have shown up weeks ago. If it did then they hid well. The observed cyclops were very slow and not very interested in running from the camera as is the norm. The eggs for these organisms have been present in the sample since day one but had only recently hatched. The life cycle of a Cyclops is a short one so these could not have hatched very long before the observation ( Pennak 1989).

Cyclops are identified by their tails and other flagella. This was just classified as a basic Cyclops. this organism moves using the antenna like structures at its front by pulsing them through the water. This was one of many in the sample during the observation 5.

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